The Intel Hub
October 15, 2011
As the Occupy Wall Street Protests continue to gain ground, a startling new trend has emerged within the Global Revolution Livestream chat.
This livestream page has over 250,000 Facebook likes and is the main place most people go to find out up to date information on what is happening at the Occupy protests.
During the first 10 days of the protests the chat was full of thousands of people will different ideas and many many who wanted to end the Federal Reserve and expose the REAL powers that control this country.
Sometime after the first 10 days of the protest, the moderators of the chat decided to crack down on all political speech that doesn’t demand the end of capitalism and blame ALL our problems on the puppet corporations.
We are literally talking about banning anyone who says end the fed or even brings up the private banking cartel that openly runs this country. These heavy handed moderators, pretending to represent the 99%, are actually acting more like the 1%, telling the chatters that, “we just don’t question the moderators here.”
These mods then go on to talk about how political speech is banned in the chatroom as the livestream plays clips of political leftist and Current TV(owned by Al Gore) host Keith Olbermann.
Chatters who want to speak about the real powers that rule this country are then told to go to some obscure chatroom with less than a dozen people in it compared to the thousands who frequent the main Global Revolution livestream.
Who are these mods and who decided to ban all talk about the private federal reserve? This is a very serious deveolopment that threatens to undermine the entire movement.
How are we supposed to believe these protests represent the 99% when only those on the extreme left are able to push their views in the livestream that started the whole occupy protests?
As long as chatters promote ending captalism and blaming EVERYTHING on the corporations, their political speech is acceptable. Only when chatters speak about real issues is the rule about no politics in the chat brought up.
I have personally witnessed dozens if not hundreds of people being banned by these freedom hating moderators. If you have been banned in the chat for simply speaking your mind about the private federal reserve please comment on this article and let us know about your experience with the mods who cannot be challenged in the supposed Global Revolution Livestream.
Note: I am obviously NOT talking about banning people for trolling and disrupting the movement. It is important that there are mods who do ban trolls but rather then do this, these moderators have shown their absolute support for the Federal Reserve by pretending that anyone that talks about it is a troll.